Sunday, June 29, 2014

Day 8 our last day at Grand Lake

On our last day we headed off to Har-Ber village,  In Grove, Oklahoma. It was created by Harvey and Bernice Jones. Who own the trucking business in Springdale Arkansas became quite a success. They were one of the biggest philanthropic couples in Arkansas. They gave millions to schools, hospitals universities, and many civic minded organizations. They felt that since it was the community that made their business possible that they should give back to the community. They bought a plot of land, well quite a big plot of land in Grove Oklahoma for their summer home.  They decided to create museum village, basically. They bought old log cabins old  doctors offices old-school houses mostly in Arkansas, dismantled them hauled  them up to Grove Oklahoma and reconstructed these houses and schoolhouses and doctors offices. There over 100 structures on the land, eat showing some facet of life during the period between 1850 and 1920. Here are a few pictures that I took of the village

This is the map of the village. 

Glad I didn't live in the 1850's 
Doctor's office.
School house. 
This was the first building they built, a church. When the church was complete, Bernice felt they should build a parson's  residence. Then a schoolhouse. And it went on from there. It open to the public in 1968. 
They many displays of close through the years. From 1850 to 1920. 
They also had displays of animals that were important to the area.
At about 2 o'clock we headed back to our condo to prepare for our departure tomorrow because tomorrow were on to our next location. 

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